Zee Media Corporation Ltd
ZEE Media Corporation Limited (ZMCL) incorporated on August 27, 1999 is a part of Essel group. It is one of the largest news networks in the country with a portfolio of fourteen news channels in eight different languages in the linear TV platform while it reaches out to more than 220 million users through the digital platform. It has a strong national presence and has strengthened its position as a regional player in North, West, East and Central India. Full and final settlement of the NCD issued by DMCL with the subsequent issue of NCD of Rs.230crore and CCPS of Rs.90crore by ZMCL DMCL has issued NCD for which ZMCL has extended corporate guarantee, which was subsequently revoked by the debenture trustee via letter dated October 17, 2020. ZMCL has redeemed the aforementioned NCD by paying Rs.290crore (Rs.457.11crore outstanding as on January 31, 2021 including accumulated interest) on February 03, 2021, in full and final settlement. ZMCL has further allotted NCD of Rs.230crore an...